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Tomatox magic white massage pack
It's containing Tomato extracted water and tomato ingredients! dan mempunyai 2 fungsi seperti pemutih , vitalizing, dan detoxifying deffect untuk kulit
sehabis menggunakan tomatox magic white massage pack kulit ku terasa bersinar , kencang dan bersih loh
Direction : sehabis mecuci muka dan mengerikan wajah dengan handuk ,ambil tomatox magic white massage pack dengan secukupnya dan oleskan ke wajah dengan lembut 1-2 menit , setelah itu biarkan dan tunggu selama 5-10 menit , maka setelah itu cucilah dengan air hangat ( jangan terlalu panas ) dan juga jangan menggunakan sabun dan setelah itu gunakan handuk , dan tepuk lah pipi secara pelan - pelan
( jangan gosok terlalu kencang )
Appletox Smooth Massage Peeling Cream
Capacity : 80g
Green apple extract. Minerals(Mg, Fe), Vit(A, E, B1, B6, C) maintain skin’s natural firmness and brightness. Highly effective on exfoliate. AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid). AHA accelerates skin’s natural exfoliate process. Acid loosens the bind between skin and dead cells, soothing the outer skin maintain fresh and silky.
How to use :
After cleansing, dry the skin and Apply generously to dry areas all over the face, avoiding eye and mouth area. Gently massage for 1~2min and leave for 30sec. Gently rub your face in a circular motion and wash off in tepid water.
Tomatox Red Brightening Mask 75ml
IDR 140.000
tomatox re brightening mask 75ml adalah masker berbahan dasar Tomato extracted water
makser ini benar2 bagus untuk mencerah kan kulit dan membuat kulit lbh supple
must have this item , dear!
Tomatox Whitening Eye Serum 30ml
IDR 162.000
serum tomatox untuk bagian mata
bye bye mata panda :D
Simply Style Makeup Eraser 3g
IDR 118.000
Make up remover berbentuk spidol
wah sangat lucu dan simple ya dear >_<
ga perlu repot deh kalau ada makeup yang kurang pas :D
Latte Art Cappuccino Cream in Scrub 80g
IDR 155.000
With the most unique and cutest packaging Cappuccino Cream in Scrub takes care of your skin the right way. This Rich facial scrub contains a comforting blend of coffee and milk extracts, providing gentle exfoliation while keeping skin well-moisturized.
* After wash, apply an appropriate amount to your skin and massage. Rub gently and rinse off with warm water when cream's color changes, you will feel a warm sensation.
* Coffee and milk extracts remove dead skin and dirt resulting in fresh, smooth and silky skin.
- Actor Song Jung Ki has beautiful skin thanks to the effect of "Latte Art Cappuccino Cream-in Scrub". For coffee's lovers and more. Designed for all skin types, male & female.
Latte Art Milk-Tea Morning Pack 80ml+5ml
IDR 165.000
Latte Art Cappuccino Cream in Scrub 80gIDR 155.000
Latte Art Milk-Tea Morning Pack 80ml+5mlIDR 165.000
Fresh Aqua Tear Drop Gel Cream 50ml (oil free)
IDR 190.000
Fresh Aqua Tear-Drop Gel Cream features an oil-free watery type formula. "A powerful surge of derma-hydrating and comforting ingredients makes the skin amazingly supple and moist."
Tear Drop Gel Cream is an oil-free water-drop type aqua cream that supplies abundant moisture to dry skin as soon as it is applied by forming water droplets on the skin's surface, leaving the skin feeling fresh, silky, and smooth. As it supplies abundant moisture and nutrition to the skin, it controls excessive sebum (oil) secretion, keeping it fresh. Its active ingredients of Sapporo thousand-year water and Angel's tear extract intensively hydrate and moisturize the skin. By forming a moisturizing barrier on the skin, it keeps it moist and soft. The effective ingredient of white gold colloidal keeps the skin smooth and healthy by protecting the skin from the harmful external environment.
Fresh Aqua Tear Drop Cream 50ml (anti wrinkle & whitening)
IDR 190.000
Concept : Intense moisturizer that provides the ultimate level of moisture and nutrition to stabilize the unbalanced, lacking level of oil and moisture. Helps to keep moisture for 24 hours with its light touch. Includes wrinkle-improving effects to keep the skin moisturized and supple. Special water elements and angel's tear extracts provide intense moisture and creates a firm, hydrating protection layer to protect the skin from polluted environment.
How to Use;Apply an appropriate amount along the skin texture and gently pat to absorb
Fresh Aqua Pure Drop Cream 50ml (skin irritation free)
IDR 190.000
Skin-friendly moisturizer that stabilizes the level of oil, moisture and nutrition for sensitive skin. The moisturizer melts like whipped cream as soon as it is applied, and retains moisture that lasts for 24 hours. This unique hydrating cream has no paraben, benzophenol, mineral oil, artificial perfume or color to minimize possibilities of skin irritation. Prestigious water from Sapporo and Angel's tear extract provide intense moisture without irritation and creates a hydrating barrier to keep the skin supple and moisturized. Platinum powder makes skin supple and smooth while providing a full hydration for skin.
Kiss Kiss Lip Scrub 9g
IDR 100.000
Hello dear
princess kalian tw ga kalau bibir adalah salah satu bagian
terpenting dalam hal berpenampilan dan yang sangat sering di perhati kan loh
jika bibir kering dan kusam membuat kita terlihat lesuh
untuk itu cobain pakek deh Kiss Kiss lip scrub , kiss kiss lip scrub adalah scrub untuk bibir kering dan kusam
cara penggunaan -nya gampang kok , saat bibir kita kering gunakan lah scrub ini pada kulit bibir yang kering
setelah semua kulit - kulit mati bibir telah terangkat , baru lah pakai liptint / lipstick favorite mu
Egg Pore Blackhead Out Oil Gel 30ml
IDR 128.000
Egg Pore Silky Smooth Balm 30g
IDR 148.000
Egg Pore Tightening Pack 30ml
IDR 128.000
Egg Pore Blackhead Out Oil Gel 30mlIDR 128.000
Egg Pore Silky Smooth Balm 30g
IDR 148.000
Egg Pore Tightening Pack 30ml
IDR 128.000
Berry Berry Whitening Cherry Sleeping Pack 80g
IDR 150.000
whitening , sleeping pack / night cream
Berry Berry Wrinkle Blueberry Sleeping Pack 80g
IDR 150.000
anti wrinkle dan sleeping pack dan night cream
Untuk di entri ini semua PO ya dear , untuk syarat dan ketentuan PO kamu bisa liat di
thx for your attention
No Hp : 087888842880
Pin BB : 23839D1D
twitter : @windapw / @PetiteModeHouse
FB : Petite Mode House